You could go to a university and earn a marketing degree, for example. You’d take out thousands of dollars in student loans and graduate with a very well-rounded degree. You’ll have a gorgeous diploma hanging on your wall, proving that you have completed your education. Today, we’ll discuss about SEO marketing courses and certificates, which are both available online. I’m going to describe the top 8 courses that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to impress clients and customers while also dominating SEO. Ready? Let’s go to work on learning.
But supposing you could obtain a comparable education without having to spend any money you don’t have? What if you could accomplish this in less time while simultaneously increasing your skill set? The internet is the most convenient and cost-effective (yet highly valuable) way to obtain an education. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for IT certifications or SEO certificates; finding the proper courses to meet your requirements is simple and straightforward.
BEST SEO Certifications:
- The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Playbook
- Yoast Academy
- Moz SEO Training Course
- A Crash Course in HubSpot
- The Free SEO Course for Beginners from the eMarketing Institute
- Mangols SEO Course
- The OMI has granted SEO certification
Does Google Provide SEO Certification?
Many of you would have a query about “ SEO Certification from Google.” Well, to be blunt, Google till date has not launched any SEO Certification course. However, it does provide some rules and guidelines which you can get from Google Digital Garage. So, to answer, there is no SEO Certificates from Google!
SEMrush Academy
Want to obtain the best of the best at a low price or even for free? Look no further. Afterwards, SEMrush is the place you should go.To help you improve your SEO skills, Greg Gilford and Bastian Grimm are offering free classes. If you are interested in learning about PPC, they’ve got you covered. Believe me!
Doesn’t this seem too wonderful to be true? Wrong. They will provide you with free SEO information in the hopes that you would pay them to use their platform. Certification is completely free of charge! If you don’t mind me hanging my new certification on the wall of my home office despite the dearth of visitors. Please keep in mind that this is exactly how you should go about building brand loyalty in the first place.
Also Checkout:Best SEO Tools to Bring Your Site to the Top!
2. The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Playbook
Although not the most expensive course on the block, it is certainly not the most difficult. However, it is still preferable than spending thousands of dollars on a degree. This course is really less expensive than the cost of a single credit hour at a private university.This is not a training for complete novices. Before joining up for this, you should take advantage of SEMrush’s free services.
The course is not a one-hour-and-twenty-minute-and-done course like those available on Udemy. It contains more than 100 training videos, more than 20 actionable templates, and more than 50 step-by-step tutorial manuals, among other things.You will have the opportunity to observe the course author, Robbie Richards, build real websites and gain insight into how he generates traffic. In addition, you will have access to all of this for the rest of your life (or at least as long as their servers stay active).
3. Yoast Academy
Alternatively, if you’re just getting started, this is another excellent place to start. Yoast offers a free beginner’s course that goes above and beyond the use of a plugin to help you get started.Yoast’s premium courses are also not prohibitively pricey. All of them are under $200. Of course, you could purchase a package deal for $700 if you wanted to save even more money.
In addition, they will cover topics such as SEO copywriting, WordPress SEO, training site layout, and other related topics.
4. Moz SEO Training Course
One of my favourite free SEO plugins for determining domain authority is provided by Moz. It’s a fantastic tool for generating links. However, Moz is much more than just a fantastic plugin. They also have some incredible courses to choose from.
This is the finest site to learn about topics such as keyword research (Moz is credited with inventing the process), link building, on-page optimization, and SEO reporting, among other things. If you are willing to spend a tiny additional fee, you can even have your instruction tailored to your specific requirements. In other words, they’ll work with your team on a one-on-one basis and train them.There are several price ranges available, ranging from $99 to $600.
Also Read:Everything you need to know about SEO!
5. A Crash Course in HubSpot
If you think about it, this is similar to auditing a course in college, that one-credit course you couldn’t afford but really wanted to fit into your schedule. This is the course in question.
It’s completely free. Furthermore, it will provide you with some excellent fundamentals right away. It will provide you with an introduction to the fundamentals of keyword research. It will provide you a better grasp of how to create content that search engines will index and index. And there’s so much more!
They will provide the course via daily emails for the next five days. Your notifications should be turned on for this one because you don’t want to miss a single day of the event.
6. The Free SEO Course for Beginners from the eMarketing Institute
Another excellent place to begin for beginners is the SEO training offered by the eMarketing Institute. You will receive ten lessons completely free of charge. In addition, you will receive a certification that you can display on your wall or on your LinkedIn profile if you so desire.
In addition to the free classes, you will receive a compact novel-sized E-book on search engine optimization. It is 156 pages long, and it contains information on link building, technical SEO, social SEO, and other topics. At the conclusion of the course, you will have the opportunity to sit for a free certification exam.
7. Mangols SEO Course
An option to become certified is provided by this brief free guideline. This is a beginner’s handbook with nine chapters that will get you started.You’ll get some fantastic real-world examples, as well as downloadable PDFs and some amazing infographics. All of information is offered completely free of charge.
8. The OMI has granted SEO certification
It is intended for marketing professionals who wish to boost organic reach and relevant traffic by completing this training and certification programme. It’s yet another introduction to search engine optimization.There are several topics covered like duplicate content removal, keyword research methodologies and tools, how to use Google Analytics, and general learning how to improve your page ranks.
This isn’t just one certification; it’s a collection of them. Many elements of SEO and other forms of content and online marketing can be accredited, including search engine optimization (SEO). Basic and Pro are the two levels of this programme, which are separate from one another. Early access to content as well as a 25 percent discount on certifications are included as part of the Pro membership.