City Wide BC – List My Businesses

City Wide BC

City Wide BC

City Wide BC offers a variety of maintenance and power washing services for Vancouver Parking lot cleaning, parkades, office buildings, airports, city halls, and government & residential property. Our professional staff is knowledgeable about the latest techniques in power washing. We use high-pressure water to create a clean environment for your customers. City Wide offers a variety of power washing equipment, including power washers, pressure washers, and stand-alone units. Our goal is to provide you with the best service at competitive prices! Our specialty is providing a reliable solution to all types of problems. We have a team of experts who are knowledgeable in maintaining your facilities. Our staff is well trained and knows what to do to maintain the quality standard in your business or home. Our Power Washing Services will remove all types of dirt from your property quickly and efficiently. We use various chemicals to keep your building looking clean and fresh!

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